Sonntag, 17. April 2016

Small Haul ... greetings from Poland!

Last weekend I was with my parents and we went to Poland,
just running some chores and looking for interesting stuff.

We had some nice lunch first.

You really should try a Schnitzel there!

The meat is much better than the typical Schnitzel meat in Germany.
Usually I don't like pork but this was so damn good! <3
Will keep it in my mind! <3

After walking down the market we stopped at the supermarket.

This day I couldn't resist buying some things... of course most of them are
food but there are also some fashion and make-up things...

A fresh fragrance and some nail polish for the
French manicure look.
The nail polish really is great and yet so cheap!

A light maxi skirt which you could also wear as a dress

Lots of food. The mini chocolate waffle bars in the middle
are really sweet but delicious!
The white blue box is chocolate confectionary with a
cappuccino like cream inside. <3
And the yellow crackers (right side) are similar to TUC,
are just cold PUB and really tasty.