how do you do?
Recently I was full of work again and couldn't do anything other than that.
From tomorrow on I will have my 100-days-study-programme so I'll be prepared for the exam in January.
I'm very sorry if I haven't answered to you comments or didn't leave comments on your blog entries.
I hope that at least this will change.
Yesterday I was with a friend in town to look for some longshirts or pullover.
Since it's so cold here although it's August (at the moment 8°C in the morning and around 18°C daytime) I need some thicker clothes and I really haven't got a lot of pullovers in my wardrobe.
H&M had some nice Autumn stuff but it still wasn't in the stores or the quality wasn't the best (I don't need pullovers that are as thin as a T-Shir!).
So we did a shopping tour from Friedrichstraße to Alexanderplatz and at last Kurfürstendamm.
At least I found nice stuff nontheless.

Royalblue pullover by Uniqlo - 19,95€
Navy blue blouse with transparent sleeves by H&M - 19,95€
Navy blue blouse with transparent sleeves by H&M - 19,95€
Uniqlo stuff is pretty basic and sometimes you have to search for the cheaper
stuff but I like the quality of the fabrics there very much.
Buying the blouse was also for job interviews but I simpley fell in love with it. <3
stuff but I like the quality of the fabrics there very much.
Buying the blouse was also for job interviews but I simpley fell in love with it. <3
Dress by H&M - 10,00€
It was on sale and I really love it since it's madeof thicker fabric, so I could wear it on cooler days with
a cardigan or jacket, too.
Some pictures with the worn clothes
I also really liked this silver-grey pullover by H&M,
because it was a little bit shiny... but unfortunately also itchy. ):
We also found a lot of interesting stuff at H&M.
Especially Mickey Mouse printed things:
Especially Mickey Mouse printed things:
I really liked the shoes and the hot pants with the
Mickey Mouse belt.
Mickey Mouse belt.
So nothing extraordinary at all but good enough.
We also went to F21 but didn't find anything interesting.
There were a lot of summer sale stuff but I don't need anymore tops or skirts. :-/
Still I thought of buying heartshaped earrings and a big checked ribbon as hair accessory... maybe next time.
So right now some outfits to show:
Yesterday's one.
Really... in the shadow too cold.
In the sun too hot.
In the sun too hot.
When there were hotter days...
Just didn't wear it for school because it was too business and
I didn't feel like black and white.
I bought this simple but very nice dress appr. three weeks ago
at Colloseum's (19,95€).
Usually, I don't like the clothes there so much
but this dress was absolutely adorable.
The upper part is in black and the basic color of the skirt part
is navy blue. Here's a better view of the pattern.
at Colloseum's (19,95€).
Usually, I don't like the clothes there so much
but this dress was absolutely adorable.
The upper part is in black and the basic color of the skirt part
is navy blue. Here's a better view of the pattern.
Oh, and two weeks ago I did some purikura again with Risa ♥
That was it already for today. (>_<)
Since I bought the Jelly issue 07/2014 and I reject to say "Summer's over" I may will show you some pictures of the magazine the next time.
Until then: Have a good time! ♥