So here's my little rallye about me, redecorating my room.
♥ 2014.03.25 ♥
Today I finally got the second part of my photos by Rossman.
The right-now-printing service is pretty good and the photos have good quality!
I just stick them to my door in an chaotic order but I like it that way. ♥
Of course that wasn't all because the door would have looked too empty.
I've never tried out wall tattoos before and ordered a bigger package with 96pcs on Ebay.
Because I planned to have a girly like room and I love sakura blossoms so much, I decided to
get these ones.
They are easy to put on the door and after half an hour (and baking a cake by the way, too),
it was finished.
Here's a little preview.
♥ 2014.03.27 ♥
Today, I managed to go to Hellweg to look for the colours needed for painting my room.
I absolutely forgot how heavy these things can be, using public transport.
So, here are my chosen colours:

The main part is the mixes English Rose B4 by Vincent. It's a little bit more lilac than in the picture here.
Twilight will only be a small part.
The lilac wallpaper is just the icing on the cake. Also a little bit wrong above.
This is just a better example:
(c) Rausch
So how to put this together?
Here's the layout.
Unfortunately the furniture doesn't look so great with the new colours but I wanted to buy new ones, nevertheless, so it's okay for a while.
Thank God the rosé is lighter than in the picture. xD
It's really great that you can let mix so many different colour within 5 minutes!
And it isn't much more expensive than the usual colours.
I only payed + 3€ and that's okay.
At least I also had twice as much colour than the expensive Schöner Wohnen colour.
But... I'm so in love with the Twilight nuance.
Tomorrow I will buy the rest of things: ingrain wallpaper, glue, cover blanket, etc. with my father who will help me.
Thank you, dad!
I really don't like to use the public transport with 7,5kg in my hands, 1kg in my bag and keep annoying other people. ~w
So I can start de-decorating my room~
Good Night. ♥
I couldn't resist starting the next costume, too...
When I was at the market on Tuesday I just wanted to get some good white fabric ... but failed.
In the end, I found a lot of other great stuff... and now I'm working on the Utapri summer school uniform for Haru-chan. The skirt's already finished. ♥
I also started sewing my own clothes since I don't like the upcoming things too much.
It's just a little hard since I'm still not really used of using patterns, etc.
It's just a little hard since I'm still not really used of using patterns, etc.
The first one is a green kingdom checked blouse.
I will show you once the buttons arrived and it's finished! ♥ ^^